[Insight-users] Problems reading DICOM header

Clemens Hentschke Paradise.Devil at gmx.net
Thu Oct 19 15:37:57 EDT 2006


i just tried to read DICOM header in ITK, i used the example from software guide. All works fine, but i recognized that some tags are missing (i read the DICOM with matlab). Both, some private and public tags are missing i need to read. I tried to access them directly via find function, but that didnt work, i got a runtime error (Segmentation fault).
Is there any possibiliy to access these Tags? ITK seems to find the Tag, but couldnt read it. 
I am using Suse Linux 9.2 and ITK 2.81 and gcc 3.3.4

here is my code:

  ReaderType::Pointer reader = m_image;
  InputImageType::Pointer inputImage = reader->GetOutput();
  typedef itk::MetaDataDictionary DictionaryType;
  DictionaryType & dictionary = inputImage->GetMetaDataDictionary();
  typedef itk::MetaDataObject< std::string > MetaDataStringType;

  DictionaryType::ConstIterator itr = dictionary.Begin();
  DictionaryType::ConstIterator end = dictionary.End();
  int h = 0;
  while (itr != end)
	itk::MetaDataObjectBase::Pointer entry = itr->second;
	MetaDataStringType::Pointer entryvalue = dynamic_cast < MetaDataStringType *>( entry.GetPointer() );
	if (entryvalue)
		std::string tagkey = itr->first;
		std::string labelId;
		bool found = itk::GDCMImageIO::GetLabelFromTag( tagkey, labelId );

		std::string tagvalue = entryvalue->GetMetaDataObjectValue();

		if (found)
			fstream f;
			f.open("header.txt", ios::out|ios::app);
			f << h << "   (" << tagkey << ") " << labelId;
			f << " = " << tagvalue.c_str() << std::endl;
		++itr; h++;
  std::string entryId = "0054|0016";
  DictionaryType::ConstIterator tagItr = dictionary.Find( entryId ); 
  MetaDataStringType::ConstPointer entryvalue = dynamic_cast<const MetaDataStringType *>(tagItr->second.GetPointer() );
 std::string v = entryvalue->GetMetaDataObjectValue();
  std::cout << "gefunden: (" << v << ") ";
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