[Insight-users] Image units

Markus Weigert m.weigert at fz-juelich.de
Thu Nov 30 05:54:30 EST 2006

Hello all,

I have a question concerning the conservation of image units when going from ITK to VTK.
I used the vtkMarchingCubes filter to mesh two segmentations (itk::Image volumes) which I converted to
VTK with the itkImageToVtkImageFilter.
Then, I analyze their surface deviation using the open source MESH tool.
My question is what type of coordinates does the Marching Cubes filter produce (physical or index)
or actually is there anything I have to take care of when going from ITK to VTK??? 
This may become important in interpreting the distance of the meshes in real physical
units (mm) or just as some abstract measure.

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