[Insight-users] QT and ITK library
Christoph Palm
Christoph.Palm at web.de
Tue Mar 7 07:31:42 EST 2006
Hi everybody,
I am trying to compile a library using ITK with some Qt4.1.1 code on
windows XP.
The ITK code is compiled successfully to a .lib with cmake and VS.net.
To compile the Qt-code using the lib build from ITK I use qmake (as I am
using the precompiled module qcanvas.pri - and only qmake seems to be
able to handle .pri files). Unfortunately the compilation process fails.
Using the option -MD, I get the following error:
I searched the internet for help and found out to use the option -MT
instead but the compilation process fails again with the error:
Warning: .drectve `/DEFAULTLIB:"libcpmt"
/include:?id@?$num_put at DV?$ostreambuf_iterator at DU?$char_traits at D@std@@@std@@@std@@2V0locale at 2@A
/include:?id@?$numpunct @D at std@@2V0locale at 2@A /DEFAULTLIB:"LIBCMT"
/DEFAULTLIB:"OLDNAMES" /EXPORT:_CreateSliceExtractor ' unrecognized
Warning: .drectve `/DEFAULTLIB:"libcpmt"
/include:?id@?$num_put at DV?$ostreambuf_iterator at DU?$char_traits at D@std@@@std@@@std@@2V0locale at 2@A
/include:?id@?$numpunct at D@std@@2V0locale at 2@A
/include:?id@?$codecvt at DDH@std@@2V0locale at 2@A /DEFAULTLIB::"OLDNAMES" '
What can I do to solve that problem? I don't know, if I need to change
the compilation process for the code using the ITK library to get the
.lib or if I need to change the compilation process of the Qt code.
Is this problem about multi-threading? Can I configure single-threading
with cmake or is the problem something else?
Thanks for any hints!
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