[Insight-users] Segmentation-Surface Reconstruction- Questions

platon galatis pgalatis at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 22 19:46:41 EDT 2006


Im  a mechanical engineer and my diploma thesis subject is about segmenting 
a series of human 2D ct scans, in order to produce a 3D surface mesh 
suitable to be exported to CAD-CAE systems for FEA.

Im trying to conclude on my strategy but i have some questions.

I've read a lot about Marching cubes,Marching tetrahedra and their 
variations. All these algorithms speak for values at nodes of a regular 3D 
grid. But what if the input images are binary (black/white) as a result of a 
segmentation algorithm from itk?

If i said that out = 1 ,in=-1 and the boundary=0 then the linear 
interpolation would always give the middle of the intersected  edge. Am i 
mising something here?

Can i get results giving as input a thresholded set and by specifying the 
isocontour value as the mean value of a set of  points sampled from the 
desired boundary (skipping segmentation)?

I've found the Deformable models method interesting . Would it be a good 
practice to produce a binary 3D image with some segmentation method, pass it 
to the itk::BinaryMask3DMeshSource for a rough initial mesh and then use the 
itk::DeformableMeshFilter to refine it?

Thank you for reading this.

Any help would be appreciated.


Plato Galatis.

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