[Insight-users] Re: Watershed Filter for 3D data

Josh Cates cates at sci.utah.edu
Thu Jul 27 13:48:55 EDT 2006

Hi Vijay,

The watershed algorithm will take a very long time to process detailed 
data.  The size of your dataset is less important.  Make sure you have 
done the appropriate preprocessing of your data to remove noise and as 
many uninteresting features as possible (for example, you might try an 
anisotropic diffusion filter with conductance parameters set to preserve 
the gradient edges of interest but blur other regions).  I also suggest 
tuning parameters on a cropped region of your data before running on 
your entire dataset.

hope this helps,


K Venkatraman, Vijay (GE, Research, non-ge) wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the watershed filter on  3D data, it seems to be taking a long time (couple of hours for 100slices)
> The pipeline looks like: Analyze 3D data (*.img)->GradientMagnitudeImageFilter->WatershedFilter.
> The same pipeline works when the watershed filter is applied on 2D slices (extracted from 3D data), but I want them to work on the 3D data.
> I tried using lower threshold and level parameters.The data is little endian and unsigned short (is the filter dependent on endianness of the data). I have tried applying AnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter on the 3D data. It didn't help.
> Can anyone provide some help?
> Thanks
> Vijay

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