[Insight-users] help about thinplate spline

Tang Songyuan songyuantang at yahoo.com.cn
Thu Feb 23 04:31:04 EST 2006

Hi,I met a problem about thin-plate spline.

I have compiled the ThinPlateSplineWarp.cxx in the
example, and found some problem, it seems that the
deformation fields don't corresponding to the
landmarks completely. For example, I used the landmark
file follow for 2D thinplate spline transform.

100	100	100	100
110	110	120	120
0	0	0	0
0	255	0	255
255	0	255	0
255	255	255	255

The image is 256*256, the maximum of deformation field
are 10 and 8.7015. Why is it not 10 and 10?
I wish you could help me.

Songyuan Tang


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