[Insight-users] correct numarray version for ITK 2.4.1

Zachary Pincus zpincus at stanford.edu
Tue Feb 14 12:34:44 EST 2006

> The only caveat is that, at least with CableSwig tag ITK-2-4, one must
> use the build directory and not the install directory, else the
> WrapITK build breaks due to the absence of gccxml.exe in the CableSwig
> install directory.  Copying gccxml.exe to its expected directory in
> the installation does not help either.

The CVS CableSwig seems to not have this problem.

The issue is probably that your installed version of  
CableSwigConfig.cmake doesn't have this line:
"SET(CableSwig_gccxml_EXE ...)"
(with '...' being the install path of gcc_xml), so WrapITK doesn't  
know where to look to find gccxml. If you really want to use the  
tagged cableswig in the install configuration, try to find  
that .cmake file and fix the path to gccxml.exe.


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