[Insight-users] problem reading pixel value with Iterators Get() method, plz help!

charfeddine amir charfeddine_amir at yahoo.fr
Sun Feb 12 05:49:33 EST 2006

Hi all,
 i'm reading pixel value with an iterator, testing if it's equal to 0, if not i enter a loop  to do some processing tasks.
 but the program din't enter to the loop browsing all pixel image, mean he consider that all pixel value are equal to 0, which is not true!
 could any one tell me where is the problem.
 this the code :
 typedef   itk::Image<float,3>    InputImageType;
 typedef   itk::ImageFileReader< InputImageType >       ImageReaderType;
 ConstIteratorType3 out(   m_InputImage, m_inputimageregion );
 for ( out.GoToBegin(); !out.IsAtEnd(); ++out)
                 std::cout<<"pixel ("<<pixelIndex[0]<<","<<pixelIndex[1]<<") = <<out.Get()<<std::endl;
                 // Coord du pixel consid&#130;r&#130; dans le plan image en millimetres.
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