[Insight-users] HelloWorld compilation problems, no executable.

"Jörg P.Pfannmöller" J.Pfannmoeller at gmx.de
Tue Aug 22 09:21:50 EDT 2006


my platform is Linux
my compiler gcc 3.3.5

I am new to ikt. I have Installed and compiled ITK and ITK-SnAP in my local directory (/home/username/). ITK-SnAP works fine, but the HelloWorld program from the software guide does not. I have already produced the Makefile for the HelloWorl.cxx via cmake and ccmake. 

My proceedings to perform that have been (I used the bash):

ccmake path to itk-source code

curses opens

type c

type g

type make

compilation starts, takes a while, but does not produce a executable file.
I found several error messages. For example (found in CMakeError.log):

Determining if ifreq has a sa_lenfailed with the following output:
[...]/home/pfannmoe/Sourcen/workdir/dki-gf-detect/Insight-binary/Utilities/gdcm/CMakeTmp/gdcmTestHAVESALEN.c:3: error: structure has no member named `sa_len'[...]

Performing Test VCL_STATIC_CONST_INIT_NO_DEFN failed with the following output:
[...]CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir/home/pfannmoe/Sourcen/workdir/dki-gf-detect/InsightToolkit-2.8.1/Utilities/vxl/config/cmake/config/vxl_platform_tests.o(.text+0x23): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `A::x'[...]

We did not find any executable files named HelloWorld. Is there somebody who has an idea why the executable is missing?

So long pfannmoe
Jörg P.Pfannmöller                                
In der Köhlertanne 56
64295 Darmstadt  

Homepage: www.pfannmoeller.de.vu                      

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