[Insight-users] Exception when using BSplineInterpolateImageFuntion

庄吓海(Xiahai Zhuang) arhye at 163.com
Sun Oct 30 09:02:02 EST 2005

insight-users-request at itk.org, 
I used the BSPlineItnerpolationImageFuntion for interpolate the image. However, when I setimage, there invoke an exception.
The code is:

 typedef itk::Image<double,2> DoubleImage;   
  itk::CastImageFilter<itk::Image<unsigned short,2>,DoubleImage>::Pointer 
   cast2double = itk::CastImageFilter<itk::Image<unsigned short,2>,DoubleImage>::New();
  m_pInterpolator2D = itk::BSplineInterpolateImageFunction<itk::Image<double,2>,double>::New();
  cast2double->SetInput(m_pImage2D);// m_pImage is a itk::Image<unsigned short,2> image
  -------------------------inside the setInputImage()
template <class TImageType, class TCoordRep, class TCoefficientType>
::SetInputImage(const TImageType * inputData)
  if ( inputData )
    // the Coefficient Filter requires that the spline order and the input data be set.
    // TODO:  We need to ensure that this is only run once and only after both input and
    //        spline order have been set. Should we force an update after the 
    //        splineOrder has been set also?
    m_CoefficientFilter->Update();----------------------------------------------Here, invoke a exception
  Thanks in advance
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