[Insight-users] 64-bit and mhd long int output (watershed 'labelled' image)

Stephen R. Aylward aylward at unc.edu
Wed Nov 2 23:21:18 EST 2005

Thanks for the pointer.

I'm updating MetaIO based on the Nrrdio code.  Thanks!

I'll checking 64 bit support for metaIO tomorrow...


Gordon Kindlmann wrote:
> hello,
> This seems to intersect with an earlier thread, no?
>>     From:       brad.king at kitware.com
>>     Subject:     [Insight-developers] Platform-independent type  names 
>> and 64-bit integers
>>     Date:     July 7, 2005 9:28:46 AM EDT
>>     To:       insight-developers at itk.org
>> Hello all,
>> Recently there has been interest in adding support for the NRRD  file 
>> format's 64-bit integer types.  In order to do this properly  we need 
>> to use a 64-bit integer type on every platform.  There is  no basic C 
>> integer type that is commonly 64 bits in size, but there  is at least 
>> one type (long, long long, or __int64) available on  every platform we 
>> support that is 64-bits.
>> Not long ago I added a set of platform-independent type names to  VTK 
>> with names like vtkTypeInt64 and vtkTypeUInt8 (see VTK/Common/ 
>> vtkType.h).  I propose adding a similar set of typedefs to ITK to  
>> address this problem.  Platform-independent I/O is generally much  
>> easier with such types anyway.
>> I propose names such as "itk::TypeInt32" or "itk::Type::Int32" for  
>> the typedefs, but I'm open to suggestions for better names.
>> Comments?
>> -Brad
> In nrrd, the use of "__int64" on windows, and "long long" everywhere  
> else, has been working fine on all the ITK dashboard machines (both  32 
> and 64 bit!) for a few years now.  That is, the nrrd sanity checks  
> pass, and these verify that the values can be created and manipulated  
> with no major problems.
> The mapping from nrrdTypeLLong and nrrdTypeULLong to the "LONG" and  
> "ULONG" works currently on 64 bit machines, but as, Stephen  describes, 
> without adding new component type names to ITK, there is  no way to do 
> this on 32 bit machines.
> If you look in Insight/Code/IO/itkNrrdImageIO.cxx, you can see that  
> "UNKNOWNCOMPONENTTYPE" gets used when nrrdTypeLLong or nrrdTypeULLong  
> is encountered on a 32-bit machine.  Incidentally, there's no "long"  
> type in nrrd because it is the one type that is guaranteed *not* to  
> have a platform-independent size.
> Gordon
> On Nov 2, 2005, at 5:08 PM, Stephen R. Aylward wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> Thanks for pointing this out.
>> What pixel type are you using?  What does sizeof return for your  
>> pixel type?
>> Regretfully I don't see an easy solution.   For example, we will  
>> probably need to define a new itkImageIOBase::ComponentType type  and 
>> a new MetaIO::ValueEnumType to deal with longs on 64 bit  machines.   
>> As is, GetComponentSize does a sizeof(long) to  determine the size of 
>> itkImageIOBase::ComponenType::LONG.   Since  sizeof(long) differs by 
>> machine/OS, reading/writing images with  pixel type LONG won't work 
>> on/from 64 bit machines - this is true  for MetaIO images and any 
>> other image/pixel format that relies on  ITK's report of ComponentSize 
>> and ComponentType.   There is simply  no easy way to support 128bit 
>> longs on a 32 bit machine.
>> The easy "non-solution" is to use a different pixel type.   Ideally  
>> USHORT or maybe even UINT will work...
>> Did you add this problem to the bug tracker?
>> Thanks,
>> Stephen
>> Atwood, Robert C wrote:
>>> The good news is that the results on a Intel em64t (SUSE 9.1 gnu/ Linux
>>> distib) for my use of the watershed appear good and somewhat  faster 
>>> than
>>> on the 32 bit machine. The bad news is that I only get half the  output.
>>> I traced the problem to 'magic numbers' for the data element size
>>> defined as constants in metaTypes.h shown below. I am not sure how  
>>> it should be fixed in keeping with overall ITK program
>>> style, I would use a preprocessor directive for a quick fix assuming
>>> that CMAKE can set a macro by probing the system information Is there
>>> already a macro created for this purpose?
>>> or perhaps it is better in the long run to use a sizeof() -- then I
>>> don't think it can be const and cannot be set in the header file?
>>> Also, I could not find the itk::MetaImageIO member object  
>>> m_MetaImage in
>>> the Doxygen list of all members, though it appears in the header  
>>> file as
>>> displayed by Doxygen.
>>> ********** CVS status of the file *******************
>>> ===================================================================
>>> File: metaTypes.h       Status: Up-to-date
>>>    Working revision:    1.4
>>>    Repository revision: 1.4
>>> /cvsroot/Insight/Insight/Utilities/MetaIO/metaTypes.h,v
>>> ************* Excerpt from metaTypes.h ****************
>>>      27 typedef enum
>>>      28    {
>>>      29    MET_NONE,
>>>      30    MET_ASCII_CHAR,
>>>      31    MET_CHAR,
>>>      32    MET_UCHAR,
>>>      33    MET_SHORT,
>>>      34    MET_USHORT,
>>>      35    MET_INT,
>>>      36    MET_UINT,
>>>      37    MET_LONG,
>>>      38    MET_ULONG,
>>>      39    MET_FLOAT,
>>>      40    MET_DOUBLE,
>>>      41    MET_STRING,
>>>      42    MET_CHAR_ARRAY,
>>>      43    MET_UCHAR_ARRAY,
>>>      44    MET_SHORT_ARRAY,
>>>      45    MET_USHORT_ARRAY,
>>>      46    MET_INT_ARRAY,
>>>      47    MET_UINT_ARRAY,
>>>      48    MET_LONG_ARRAY,
>>>      49    MET_ULONG_ARRAY,
>>>      50    MET_FLOAT_ARRAY,
>>>      51    MET_DOUBLE_ARRAY,
>>>      52    MET_FLOAT_MATRIX,
>>>      53    MET_OTHER
>>>      54    } MET_ValueEnumType;
>>>      55
>>>      56
>>>      57 const unsigned char MET_ValueTypeSize[MET_NUM_VALUE_TYPES]  = {
>>>      58    0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4,  4, 4,
>>> 4, 4, 8, 4, 0 };
>>>      59
>>> *********************copied   from Doxygen web pages
>>> **********************
>>> http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1MetaImageIO-members.html
>>> m_FileName    itk::ImageIOBase     [protected]
>>> m_FileType    itk::ImageIOBase    [protected]
>>> m_Initialized    itk::ImageIOBase    [protected]
>>> m_IORegion    itk::ImageIOBase    [protected]
>>> m_NumberOfComponents    itk::ImageIOBase    [protected]
>>> m_NumberOfDimensions    itk::ImageIOBase    [protected]
>>> m_Origin    itk::ImageIOBase    [prot
>>> http://www.itk.org/Doxygen/html/itkMetaImageIO_8h-source.html
>>> 00097 private:
>>> 00098   00099   MetaImage m_MetaImage;
>>> 00100 00101   MetaImageIO(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
>>> 00102   void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
>>> 00103   00104 }; _______________________________________________
>>> Insight-users mailing list
>>> Insight-users at itk.org
>>> http://www.itk.org/mailman/listinfo/insight-users
>> -- 
>> ===========================================================
>> Dr. Stephen R. Aylward
>> Associate Professor of Radiology
>> Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science and Surgery
>> http://caddlab.rad.unc.edu
>> aylward at unc.edu
>> (919) 966-9695
>> _______________________________________________
>> Insight-users mailing list
>> Insight-users at itk.org
>> http://www.itk.org/mailman/listinfo/insight-users

Dr. Stephen R. Aylward
Associate Professor of Radiology
Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science and Surgery
aylward at unc.edu
(919) 966-9695

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