[Insight-users] Re: incorrect z-spacing in GDCM reading

Hxsham Fire hxsham at yahoo.com
Wed May 11 16:27:42 EDT 2005

George and Mathieu,

This looks very similar to the problem I was having
with ITK...
The dicom series reader was reading the slices fine,
and the volume had correct spacing... however after I
write the series using the dicom series writer and try
to read it back again, for further modification is
when the z spacing fails, and the slices are compacted
in the z direction, and it is most noticable if I try
to rotate that image...  also I noticed that all the
slices have the same z coordinate of the origin in the
series written by the dicom writer (that is field
0020|0030) in the dicom directory, and it is the
values of the last slice in the original series that
is written on all the slices in the output series.




        Your code looks fine. The algorithm for
finding the z spacing is kind 
of tricky. So I am wondering if:

1. Your images might not have proper 'Image Position
Patient' / 'Image 
Orientation Patient'

2. If they have, maybe gdcm is not able to parse the
string properly.

Could it be possible that you send me at least two
images from this 
dataset ?

If not, you'll have to turn the code to be more
verbose in particular 
when entering the function:



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