[Insight-users] AdvanceOneStep in Class GradientDescentOptimizer(itkGradientDescentOptimizer.cpp)

庄吓海(Xiahai Zhuang) arhye at 163.com
Sun May 1 05:05:26 EDT 2005

 * Advance one Step following the gradient direction
  typedef Array< double>              ParametersType;
 ParametersType m_currentPosition;
::AdvanceOneStep( void )


  ScalesType scales = this-> GetScales();

  DerivativeType transformedGradient( spaceDimension ); 

  for(unsigned int j = 0; j <  spaceDimension; j++)
    transformedGradient[j] = m_Gradient[j] / scales[j]; //?????????????????????? why here takes a (/scales[j])
    }                                                                            //as in method m_CostFunction-> GetValueAndDerivative(this-> GetCurrentPosition(), m_Value, m_Gradient )m_Gradient derivative
                                                                                  // m_Gradient is the derivative of MutualInformation with respect to transform parameters,
                                                                                 // why transformedGradient[j] = m_Gradient[j] / scales[j]; 
  ParametersType newPosition( spaceDimension );
  for(unsigned int j = 0; j <  spaceDimension; j++)
    newPosition[j] = currentPosition[j] + 
      direction * m_LearningRate * transformedGradient[j];

  this-> SetCurrentPosition( newPosition );

  this-> InvokeEvent( IterationEvent() );



        庄吓海(Xiahai Zhuang)
        arhye at 163.com
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