[Insight-users] Problems between VC++6.0 and .txx files

Rosario Sance rsance at die.upm.es
Wed Mar 16 04:35:37 EST 2005

Hi all,

I have read the message of Marisa Aurelio, replied on October the 25th, 2004.
>[Insight-users] HELP ITK builting solution : Visual Studio .NET : checking 
>if txx, hxx are marked as C++ files

I have more or less the same problem with some .hxx files located in 
C:\Programas\Insight\bin\Utilities\itksys. When I have tried to build some 
examples of the ITK guide, the files are not recognized in that place, in 
spite of  being sure that they are physically there.
I have tried the solution that Luis suggested her but it´s not able to find 
that menus which were expected in VS.NET when I´m working with VS C++ 6.0.
I wonder if there is another similar easy solution for this case or maybe 
the problem could be farther away...

Thanks in advance,

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