[Insight-users] CannyLevelSet Speed Image - dimension returned Zero
conn sullivan
sullivanconn at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 25 16:06:08 EST 2005
Hello All,
I am new to ITK and currently trying to check with Level set segmentation methods.
I have written following code to refine the segmentation of Threshold Level Set. I have used different types of images for this as input. The problem is: speed image returned is of 0 bytes, basically GetRegionIO() receives 0 as dimension of the input image.
Does anyone have idea why this is happening?
Ex. -->
Input Files used -->
Input FileName --> c:\\BrainT1Slice_thresholdLevelSet.png
Feature Image --> c:\\BrainT1Slice.png
Output FileName --> c:\\BrainT1Slice_output.png
Command Line paramters are used as -->
c:\\BrainT1Slice.png 0.02 20 c:\\BrainT1Slice_thresholdLevelSet.png 10 128 10 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0.3 30 c:\\BrainT1Slice_op.png
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
FILE *fp = fopen("c:\\check.txt", "w+");
if(NULL != fp ){
fprintf(fp,"argv[1] Input File Name --> %s \n", argv[1]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[2] RMS Error --> %s \n", argv[2]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[3] Maximum Number Of Iterations--> %s \n", argv[3]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[4] Input File #2 --> %s \n", argv[4]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[5] Variance --> %s \n", argv[5]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[6] Iso-Surface Value --> %s \n", argv[6]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[7] Lower Threshold --> %s \n", argv[7]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[8] Upper Threshold --> %s \n", argv[8]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[9] AdvectionScaling--> %s \n", argv[9]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[10] SeedX --> %s \n", argv[10]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[11] SeedY --> %s \n", argv[11]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[12] X-Radius/InitialDistance--> %s \n", argv[12]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[13] Y-Radius --> %s \n", argv[13]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[14] SeedX2 --> %s \n", argv[14]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[15] SeedY2 --> %s \n", argv[15]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[16] Propagation Scaling --> %s \n", argv[16]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[17] Curvature Scaling --> %s \n", argv[17]);
fprintf(fp,"argv[18] Output File Name --> %s \n", argv[18]);
typedef float InternalPixelType;
const unsigned int Dimension = 2;
typedef unsigned char OutputPixelType;
typedef itk::Image< InternalPixelType, Dimension > InternalImageType;
typedef itk::Image< OutputPixelType, Dimension > OutputImageType;
typedef itk::BinaryThresholdImageFilter< InternalImageType, OutputImageType > ThresholdingFilterType;
typedef itk::ImageFileReader< InternalImageType > ReaderType;
typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< OutputImageType > WriterType;
typedef float InternalPixelType;
typedef unsigned char OutputPixelType;
typedef itk::BinaryThresholdImageFilter<InternalImageType, OutputImageType> ThresholdingFilterType;
ThresholdingFilterType::Pointer thresholder = ThresholdingFilterType::New();
float propgationScale = 0.0, curvatureScale = 0.0;
typedef itk::ImageFileReader< InternalImageType > ReaderType;
typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< OutputImageType > WriterType;
ReaderType::Pointer reader1 = ReaderType::New();
ReaderType::Pointer reader2 = ReaderType::New();
WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
reader1->SetFileName( argv[1] ); // Feature image (smoothed image)
reader2->SetFileName( argv[4] ); // already segmented initial model
writer->SetFileName( argv[18] ); // output file name
thresholder->SetUpperThreshold( 10.0 );
thresholder->SetLowerThreshold( 0.0 );
thresholder->SetOutsideValue( 0 );
thresholder->SetInsideValue( 255 );
typedef itk::CannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter< InternalImageType,
InternalImageType > CannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilterType;
CannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilterType::Pointer cannySegmentation =
cannySegmentation->SetAdvectionScaling( ::atof(argv[9]) );
cannySegmentation->SetCurvatureScaling( ::atof(argv[17]) );
cannySegmentation->SetPropagationScaling( 0.0 );
// For cases in which some surface expansion is to be allowed, a non-zero value may be set for the
// propagation term. The propagation term is simply D. Here,we set it to 0.0
// The maximum number of iterations is specified from the command line. It may not be desirable in some
// applications to run the filter to convergence. Only a few iterations may be required.
cannySegmentation->SetMaximumRMSError( ::atof(argv[2]) );
cannySegmentation->SetNumberOfIterations( ::atoi(argv[3]) );
cannySegmentation->SetThreshold( ::atof(argv[7]) );
cannySegmentation->SetVariance( ::atof(argv[5]) );
cannySegmentation->SetIsoSurfaceValue( ::atof(argv[6]) );
cannySegmentation->SetInput( reader2->GetOutput() );
cannySegmentation->SetFeatureImage( reader1->GetOutput() );
thresholder->SetInput( cannySegmentation->GetOutput() );
writer->SetInput( thresholder->GetOutput() );
// Examining the propagation (speed) and advection images can help the process of tuning parameters.
// These images are available using \code{Set/Get} methods from the filter after it has been updated.
try {
catch( itk::ExceptionObject & excep ) {
std::cerr << "Exception caught !" << std::endl;
std::cerr << excep << std::endl;
// Print useful information
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Max. no. iterations: " << cannySegmentation->GetNumberOfIterations() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Max. RMS error: " << cannySegmentation->GetMaximumRMSError() << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "No. elpased iterations: " << cannySegmentation->GetElapsedIterations() << std::endl;
std::cout << "RMS change: " << cannySegmentation->GetRMSChange() << std::endl;
// Write out the speed (propagation) image for parameter tuning purposes.
//itk::ImageFileWriter< OutputImageType >::Pointer speedWriter = itk::ImageFileWriter<OutputImageType>::New();
itk::ImageFileWriter< InternalImageType >::Pointer speedWriter = itk::ImageFileWriter<InternalImageType>::New();
speedWriter->SetFileName( "Canny_speedImage.mhd" );
speedWriter->SetInput( cannySegmentation->GetSpeedImage());
// Since output of LaplacianLevelSet is Float type, we need to rescale it to "unsigned char" (for png).
/*typedef itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter< InternalImageType, OutputImageType > RescaleFilterType;
RescaleFilterType::Pointer rescaler = RescaleFilterType::New();
// Set Rescaler Parameters
rescaler->SetOutputMinimum( 0 );
rescaler->SetOutputMaximum( 255 );
speedWriter->SetFileName( "Canny_speedImage.mhd" );
rescaler->SetInput( cannySegmentation->GetSpeedImage());
speedWriter->SetInput( rescaler->GetOutput() ); */
try { speedWriter->Update(); }
catch( itk::ExceptionObject & excep ){
std::cerr << "Exception caught !" << std::endl;
std::cerr << excep << std::endl;
return 0;
} // end of main
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