[Insight-users] Connecting itk and vtk pipeline

Toon Huysmans denhuys at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 8 06:24:06 EST 2005


	I have already used itk in connection with vtk trough the
 	itkImageToVTKImageFilter. It worked satisfactory.
	Now I am confronted with a similar problem, but in this case I
need to 
	connect the pipeline from an itk::Mesh to a vtkPolyData or
	structure... I know it is possible to statically convert the one
	the other but I haven't seen a real pipeline connection. Would
it be
	possible to create a filter that connects the piplines and what
	it take?  I use the mesh only for the representation of
2-manifold 	triangle surfaces...


Toon Huysmans.

│ Postal Address:                                  │
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│ Email: toon.huysmans at ua.ac.be                    │

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