Antw: Re: [Insight-users] MattesMutualInformation MultiResolution Registration crashes

Karthik Krishnan Karthik.Krishnan at
Fri Jun 3 14:06:48 EDT 2005


If you are using Multi-resolution registration and you are restricting 
the fixed image region, you need to shrink it down yourself. The 
ImageRegistrationMethod class will not do this for you. In other words, 
you should be doing:

  fixedImageRegionStart[0] = static_cast<int>( idx[0] / factor );
  fixedImageRegionStart[1] = static_cast<int>( idx[2] / factor );
  fixedImageRegionStart[2] = static_cast<int>( idx[4] / factor );

  fixedImageRegionSize[0] =  static_cast<int>( (idx[1] - idx[0] + 1 ) / 
factor );
  fixedImageRegionSize[1] =  static_cast<int>( (idx[3] - idx[2] + 1 ) / 
factor );
  fixedImageRegionSize[2] =  static_cast<int>( (idx[5] - idx[4] + 1 ) / 
factor );

  fixedImageRegion.SetIndex( fixedImageRegionStart );
  fixedImageRegion.SetSize( fixedImageRegionSize );

  m_RegistrationMethod->SetFixedImageRegion( fixedImageRegion );


Jan Schreiber wrote:

>Hi Karthik, 
>unfortunately, an update of the cvs sources did not help.
>I am not using ImageAdaptors directly and a breakpoint in the ImageAdaptor's constructor has never been reached. So it seams also not to be used indirectly. 
>It seams that the m_Position variable gets an invalid value within the ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex::opearator++(). At least the instruction 
>  InternalPixelType ipt = *m_Position;
>at the beginning of the function does not make any problems, 
>  ipt = *m_Position;
>at the end of the function throws an exception...
>Another thing I do not really understand is the ShrinkImageFilter (used by the pyramid). As the shrinkfactor is 8, the pixel spacing of my shrinked image is also 8.0 (having a spacing of 1.0 in the original image). But as my image has width and height that is not divisible by 8, the 
>( shrinked image with ) * ( shrinkfactor ) != ( original image width)
> Could that matter?
>Thanks and regards, 
>P.S.: thank you also for your replay on the demons questions
>>>>Karthik Krishnan <Karthik.Krishnan at> 06/02/05 7:22  >>>
>We ran into nearly the same problem yesterday. Are you using 
>ImageAdaptors in your application. There was a problem with the adaptor 
>update mechanism that caused the application to crash cause the 
>m_PixelAccessor found the buffered region to be empty.
>Try updating itkImageBase.h and itkImageBase.txx and itkImageAdaptor.cxx 
>all in Code/Common
>Jan Schreiber wrote:
>>my registation of two x-ray images (sometimes) crashes.
>>I am using the cvs version (about 1-2 weeks old) of ITK, Microsoft Visual C++ .NET and the following components:
>> itk::RegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer
>> itk::LinearInterpolateImageFunction
>> itk::MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod
>> itk::(Recursive)MultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
>> itk::(Recursive)MultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
>> itk::MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric
>>The Error occures in ImageConstIteratorWithIndex.h line 234
>> PixelType Get(void) const  
>>   { return m_PixelAccessor.Get(*m_Position); }
>>because m_Position is not valid. 
>>This Get() Function is called in line 532 of itkMattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric.txx
>>     (*iter).FixedImageValue = regionIter.Get();
>>Consulting the debugger gives information shown at the end of this mail ( have a look at the line with <<========== )
>>The Spacing of my image is usually 1.0 (as I am reading PNG Images). Within the pyramid (the output below is from level 4) the spacing is 8.0. Is this realted to the downsampling?
>>Originally, my Images have a size of 2828x2320 Pixels, 8 bit stored as float and the FixedImageRegion ist set to x:1800, y:1000, w:940, h:1290.
>>m_Position gets invalid if the level of the MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod is >= 3.
>>The chance for this crah is almost 100% when SetUseAllPixels(true) is used and the FixedImageRegion is not the LergestPossibleRegion. Taking random Pixels reduces the risk of a crah but does not eliminate it. 
>>Setting the FixedImageRegion to something smaller than the LargestPossibleRegion increases the crash-frequency .
>>I would be very glad if you had any suggestion...
>>Thanks in advance, 
>>Debugger output:
>>-	regionIter	{...}	itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex<ibia::Image2DFloat>
>>-	itk::ImageConstIteratorWithIndex<ibia::Image2DFloat>	{ImageDimension=??? m_Image={m_Pointer=0x0a088e98 } m_PositionIndex={m_Index=0x011edc1c } ...}	itk::ImageConstIteratorWithIndex<ibia::Image2DFloat>
>>-	m_Image	{m_Pointer=0x0a088e98 }	itk::WeakPointer<ibia::Image2DFloat const >
>>-	m_Pointer	0x0a088e98	const ibia::Image2DFloat *
>>-	ibia::Image2D<float>	{...}	const ibia::Image2D<float>
>>-	ibia::ImageBase<float,2>	{...}	const ibia::ImageBase<float,2>
>>-	itk::Image<float,2>	{ImageDimension=??? }	const itk::Image<float,2>
>>-	itk::ImageBase<2>	{ImageDimension=??? m_Spacing={...} m_Origin={...} ...}	const itk::ImageBase<2>
>>+	itk::DataObject	{m_Source={m_Pointer=0x0a088db8 {m_Updating=??? m_OutputInformationMTime=??? m_Inputs=??? ...} } m_SourceOutputIndex=0 m_UpdateMTime={m_ModifiedTime=2988 } ...}	itk::DataObject
>>-	m_Spacing	{...}	itk::Vector<double,2>
>>-	itk::FixedArray<double,2>	{Length=??? }	itk::FixedArray<double,2>
>>-	m_InternalArray	0x0a088ee0	double [2]
>>	[0]	8.0000000000000000	double
>>	[1]	8.0000000000000000	double
>>-	m_Origin	{...}	itk::Point<double,2>
>>-	itk::FixedArray<double,2>	{Length=??? }	itk::FixedArray<double,2>
>>-	m_InternalArray	0x0a088ef0	double [2]
>>	[0]	0.00000000000000000	double
>>	[1]	0.00000000000000000	double
>>+	m_Direction	{RowDimensions=??? }	itk::Matrix<double,2,2>
>>+	m_OffsetTable	0x0a088f20	long [3]
>>-	m_LargestPossibleRegion	{ImageDimension=??? SliceDimension=??? }	itk::ImageRegion<2>
>>+	itk::Region	{...}	const itk::Region
>>-	m_Index	{m_Index=0x0a088f30 }	itk::Index<2>
>>-	m_Index	0x0a088f30	long [2]
>>	[0]	0	long
>>	[1]	0	long
>>-	m_Size	{m_Size=0x0a088f38 }	itk::Size<2>
>>-	m_Size	0x0a088f38	unsigned long [2]
>>	[0]	353	unsigned long
>>	[1]	290	unsigned long
>>-	m_RequestedRegion	{ImageDimension=??? SliceDimension=??? }	itk::ImageRegion<2>
>>+	itk::Region	{...}	const itk::Region
>>-	m_Index	{m_Index=0x0a088f44 }	itk::Index<2>
>>-	m_Index	0x0a088f44	long [2]
>>	[0]	0	long
>>	[1]	0	long
>>-	m_Size	{m_Size=0x0a088f4c }	itk::Size<2>
>>-	m_Size	0x0a088f4c	unsigned long [2]
>>	[0]	353	unsigned long
>>	[1]	290	unsigned long
>>-	m_BufferedRegion	{ImageDimension=??? SliceDimension=??? }	itk::ImageRegion<2>
>>+	itk::Region	{...}	const itk::Region
>>-	m_Index	{m_Index=0x0a088f58 }	itk::Index<2>
>>-	m_Index	0x0a088f58	long [2]
>>	[0]	0	long
>>	[1]	0	long
>>-	m_Size	{m_Size=0x0a088f60 }	itk::Size<2>
>>-	m_Size	0x0a088f60	unsigned long [2]
>>	[0]	353	unsigned long
>>	[1]	290	unsigned long
>>+	m_Buffer	{m_Pointer=0x0a088fb0 {m_ImportPointer=??? m_Size=??? m_Capacity=??? ...} }	itk::SmartPointer<itk::ImportImageContainer<unsigned long,float> >
>>-	m_PositionIndex	{m_Index=0x011edc1c }	itk::Index<2>
>>-	m_Index	0x011edc1c	long [2]
>>	[0]	257	long
>>	[1]	129	long
>>-	m_BeginIndex	{m_Index=0x011edc24 }	itk::Index<2>
>>-	m_Index	0x011edc24	long [2]
>>	[0]	225	long
>>	[1]	125	long
>>-	m_EndIndex	{m_Index=0x011edc2c }	itk::Index<2>
>>-	m_Index	0x011edc2c	long [2]
>>	[0]	342	long
>>	[1]	286	long
>>-	m_Region	{ImageDimension=??? SliceDimension=??? }	itk::ImageRegion<2>
>>+	itk::Region	{...}	const itk::Region
>>+	m_Index	{m_Index=0x011edc38 }	itk::Index<2>
>>+	m_Size	{m_Size=0x011edc40 }	itk::Size<2>
>>-	m_OffsetTable	0x011edc48	unsigned long [3]
>>	[0]	1	unsigned long
>>	[1]	353	unsigned long
>>	[2]	102370	unsigned long
>>-	m_Position	0x0a178000	const float *
>>		CXX0030: Fehler: Ausdruck kann nicht ausgewertet werden	const float       <<================
>>-	m_Begin	0x0a13f520	const float *
>>		86.568977	const float
>>-	m_End	0x0a176970	const float *
>>		8.7256823	const float
>>	m_Remaining	true	bool
>>	m_PixelAccessor	{...}	itk::DefaultPixelAccessor<float>
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