[Insight-users] FastMarchingImageFilter

Amitesh Agarwal amiteshagarwal at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 20:41:28 EST 2005

Hi all,

I am trying to use Fast Marching image Filter for segmentation of a 3D
greyscale image.
Below is the header of the .vtk image file.

# vtk DataFile Version 3.0
VTK File Generated by Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK)
DIMENSIONS 256 256 100
SPACING 0.9375 0.9375 2
ORIGIN 0 0 0
POINT_DATA 6553600
SCALARS scalars unsigned_short 1

1) I wanted to use multiple seed point for the segmentation but I am
not sure what does the seedValue means and how can I find out for for
my image what value I should put in.
Moreover for multiple seed points how will the seed value of one
seedpoint in the image will differ from seedvalue of another seedpoint
in the image data?

typedef FastMarchingFilterType::NodeType                NodeType; 
NodeType node;
const double seedValue = 0.0; //what does seedvalue means?
node.SetValue( seedValue );  

2) When I make slices of the image data in .png format, I find using
any viewer that the image generated is blank (or the viewer is not
able to interprate the data) . But I know that image is there and
infact the data is not blank as I can visualize the 3D .vtk data with
VolView from which I have made .png slices.

How can I solve the Problem?



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