[Insight-users] connecting Itk and Vtk in python

Eduardo Suarez eduardo at ctm.ulpgc.es
Thu Feb 24 14:41:05 EST 2005


i'm trying to connect itk and vtk in python. I tried:
 >>> conector=itkVTKImageExportUS2_New()


 >>> dir(conector)
['AbortGenerateDataOff',... 'GetNumberOfValidRequiredInputs', 
'GetOutputs', 'GetPipelineModifiedCallback',... ]

I didn't find a 'GetOutput' method, but a 'MakeOutput' and 'GetOutputs'. 
On the other hand, i have seen the Insight Application 
'ConnectVTKITKPython' in the itk examples.

What is the right way to do the connection in python? Is the 
itkVTKImageExport still working? What

Thanks a lot,


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