[Insight-users] Qmake vs cmake

Martin Urschler martin at urschler.info
Fri Aug 19 03:38:58 EDT 2005


imho it is a good way to stay with the qt .pro file and include the itk 
stuff manually
as far as i experienced this doesn't give any troubles

the drawback of this method is of course that you have to adjust to 
changes in the itk, i.e. a new library that is compiled or a new include 

here is how i include the itk in an application of mine, you will have 
to make sure that some env variables are set, and you might have to 
include some more include dirs and libs if necessary:

.pro file:

# itk plugin support


count( USE_ITK_PLUGINS, 1 ) {
    message ( compiling with ITK plugins ... )


    # itk stuff
                   $(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/Common \
                   $(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/BasicFilters \
                   $(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/Algorithms \
                   $(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/SpatialObject \
                   $(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/IO \
                   $(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Code/Numerics \
                   $(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Utilities/vxl/vcl \
                   $(ITK_SOURCE_DIR)/Utilities/vxl/core \
                   $(ITK_DIR)/Utilities \
                   $(ITK_DIR)/Utilities/vxl/core \

    LIBS += -L$(ITK_DIR)/bin/Release
    LIBS += -L$(ITK_DIR)/bin \
            -lITKAlgorithms -lITKBasicFilters -lITKCommon \
            -lITKDICOMParser -lITKEXPAT -litkgdcm -lITKIO \
            -litkjpeg8 -litkjpeg12 -litkjpeg16 -lITKMetaIO \
            -litknetlib -lITKNrrdIO -lITKNumerics -litkpng \
            -litksys-litktiff -litkvcl \
            -litkvnl -litkvnl_algo -litkvnl_inst -litkzlib

this code works with the current itk cvs version under windows and linux 
and requires the two env vars ITK_DIR and ITK_SOURCE_DIR to be set.


Einstein, Daniel R wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working with a code that has been around for a few years but that 
> is new to me. It was built with Qt. Thus, the idea of incorporating ITK 
> is an afterthought (though a very good one). At this crossroads, I am 
> looking for piece of advice. Currently, the make file is generated with 
> QMAKE. ITK's makefiles are generated with CMAKE. Which is going to be 
> the least painful way for me to go? Building the whole thing with CMAKE 
> so that the ITK dependencies will be figured out for me? But what about 
> my .pro file? Or would it be easier the other way around to account for 
> all of the ITK dependencies in my .pro file. Does anyone have an opinion 
> and/or a sample to show me?
> Regards,
> Dan

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