[Insight-users] ThresholdSegmentationLevelSetFltkGui

Tolga Tasdizen tolga at sci.utah.edu
Wed Aug 10 19:09:42 EDT 2005

Hi all,

I've been trying to use some of the apps in the Insight Applications 
package on Mac OS X 10.4. I've run into some problems. Here is one: I 
can build the ThresholdSegmentationLevelSetFltkGui app and run it, but 
the windows system does not seem to work correctly. I can press buttons 
like start and stop, but can't enter any parameters or move the 
application windows around. I have fltk 1.1.7 installed. Can the fltk 
version be the problem?

I've talked to Josh about this, but he hasn't tried to run any ITK apps 
on the Mac.  Any Mac users out there who might have a clue about what 
this problem is about?



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