[Insight-users] when to choose FEM, Demons or an optimizer ?

Cristian Becali eschreibmann at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 21 15:18:19 EDT 2004

Main question is if there is any good reason why
methods like FEM or Demons would work better than a
good old fashion optimization.

If having two images and a metric like mutual
information, supposing ideal parameters are found for
both methods ( so that the methods converge ) and 
same "resolution" is used in both methods ( for
example a BSpline mesh density close to the FEM model
) the results are not supposed to be the same ? In the
end, his methods are not supposed to arrive at same
metric value if ideal conditions are met for them to
converge ?

Or, put it in another way, selection of either FEM,
Demons or other optimizer is part of the "What
optimizer should be used with this images" problem or
is there a good reason to choose a method over other ?

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