[Insight-users] Build ITK1.8.1

Yan Yang y.yang at apu.ac.uk
Mon Nov 22 14:02:35 EST 2004

Hi all,


I downloaded ITK1.8.1, I met the following error in building ITK. I would be
very grateful if someone can help me solve the error.


Generating Code...


   Creating library D:\ITK-new\Build\bin\Debug/itkAlgorithmsTests.lib and
object D:\ITK-new\Build\bin\Debug/itkAlgorithmsTests.exp

ITKMetaIO.lib(metaObject.obj) : error : Internal error during Pass2

  ExceptionCode            = C0000005

  ExceptionFlags           = 00000000

  ExceptionAddress         = 1030C9DE

  NumberParameters         = 00000002

  ExceptionInformation[ 0] = 00000000

  ExceptionInformation[ 1] = 00000014


  Eax    = 00000000  Esp    = 0012F0B0

  Ebx    = 00371D90  Ebp    = 0012F0C0

  Ecx    = 00000000  Esi    = 00371D90

  Edx    = 00001006  Edi    = 00001003

  Eip    = 1030C9DE  EFlags = 00010257

  SegCs  = 0000001B  SegDs  = 00000023

  SegSs  = 00000023  SegEs  = 00000023

  SegFs  = 0000003B  SegGs  = 00000000

  Dr0    = 0012F0B0  Dr3    = 00371D90

  Dr1    = 0012F0C0  Dr6    = 00000000

  Dr2    = 00000000  Dr7    = 00000000

Error executing link.exe.

Tool execution canceled by user.


Thanks in advance!



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