[Insight-users] Converting an image from unsigned char to int

Robert Maroon robertmaroon@yahoo.com
Tue May 18 20:50:31 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I am having a problem trying to convert a raw volume
file from a voxel type of unsigned char to float. 

I have tried using both
itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter and
itk::CastImageFilter with arguments of
ImageType(unsigned int, 3) and OutputImageType(float,
3) and then viewing the volume in the
RawImageReaderViewer found in Insight-Applications. 

But when I open the float volume, the slices look
weird, almost like it's magnified with a bunch of
missing data (I just get a cloud of dots in the
approximate shape of the image but bigger). 

Any suggestions?


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