[Insight-users] mail on Registration-----Posting same mail again and again.

valli gummadi valli gummadi" <valli_gummadi@rediffmail.com
Wed May 12 14:41:01 EDT 2004

 This is a multipart mime message

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<P>=0A&nbsp; <BR>=0AHi Luis, <BR>=0A<BR>=0AI am posting the same mail again=
 and again. Because i am in need of this. <BR>=0A<BR>=0AFirst thing I would=
 like to say is Sorry for inconvenience. I sent you a mail on Registration =
of Mr and SPECT. You asked me to send datasets to your FTP site. I made del=
ay in sending&nbsp; data. Sorry for that Comming to the point, I uploaded M=
R and SPECT analyze files to your <BR>=0Aftp site : incomming folder as MR.=
hdr,MR.img ,SPECT.hdr and SPECT.img.I don't know whether you could download=
 them or not. <BR>=0A Once again i am asking you the same thing that please=
 help me in tunnig&nbsp; <BR>=0Aparameters for my data. Because they are a =
bit different from normal MR and SPECT&nbsp; data sets. <BR>=0A<BR>=0AHopin=
g a positive reply from you,<BR>=0A<BR>=0AThanks, <BR>=0ARegards, <BR>=0ASr=
ivalli.<BR>=0A <BR>=0A<BR>=0A=0A</P>=0A<br><br>=0A<A target=3D"_blank" HREF=
=3D"http://clients.rediff.com/signature/track_sig.asp"><IMG SRC=3D"http://a=
ttom" BORDER=3D0 VSPACE=3D0 HSPACE=3D0></a>=0A
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 =A0=0AHi Luis, =0A=0AI am posting the same mail again and again. Because i=
 am in need of this. =0A=0AFirst thing I would like to say is Sorry for inc=
onvenience. I sent you a mail on Registration of Mr and SPECT. You asked me=
 to send datasets to your FTP site. I made delay in sending  data. Sorry fo=
r that Comming to the point, I uploaded MR and SPECT analyze files to your =
=0Aftp site : incomming folder as MR.hdr,MR.img ,SPECT.hdr and SPECT.img.I =
don't know whether you could download them or not. =0A Once again i am aski=
ng you the same thing that please help me in tunnig  =0Aparameters for my d=
ata. Because they are a bit different from normal MR and SPECT  data sets. =
=0A=0AHoping a positive reply from you,=0A=0AThanks, =0ARegards, =0ASrivall=
i.=0A =0A=0A

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