[Insight-users] BUG in DICOMParser

jean-michel.rouet at philips.com jean-michel.rouet at philips.com
Tue, 30 Mar 2004 17:38:16 +0200

I think I found a bug in DICOMParser. At least it cannot read one of my 
See http://mapage.noos.fr/jm.rouet/image.dcm.gz for the faulty image 

It seems that 
 DICOMParser::ReadHeader() calls 
        ReadNextRecord(source, group, element, datatype) calls
                IsValidRepresentation(source, representation, length, 

returns true, but length is 0
and then at line   344
        tempdata = (unsigned char*) source.ReadAsciiCharArray(length); 
returns NULL which is not checked later on...

and in my image, group = 24 element = 80, datatype = VR_DS, 

I use ITK-1.6 on windows.
ImageMagick or other DICOM readers are able to read the image.

Can a DICOM guru help me ? I'm a bit confused with all these TAGS, maps, 
trees, pairs and so on in the parser.