[Insight-users] contours extraction

Yann GAVET yann.gavet at univ-st-etienne.fr
Tue Jun 15 09:36:25 EDT 2004

Hi all.

I want to perform a contour extraction from cell images.

My program computes the skeleton of the contours, and I want to get the 
cells (with itkConnectedComponentImagefilter).
I also want to get the borders of the cells in a specific way, so that I 
could remove easily the borders that are not well detected. The 
important thing should be the detection of the "node" points, in red in 
the picture. Then, I could separate the borders of the cells into 
segments and manage segments easily.

My question is: is there a way in itk to perform such a segmentation ? 
Does anyone know any method or link that could help me ?

Thank you for your time.

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