[Insight-users] CurvatureNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction conductance question

lucantiga at softhome.net lucantiga at softhome.net
Wed Jun 9 12:30:27 EDT 2004

Hi there, 
 I was reading the code for ComputeUpdate in
itkCurvatureNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction.txx, and noticed that the
conductance term implemented is not that in the man page

\nabla \cdot \frac{\nabla f}{|\nabla f|}

but rather a scaled version of 

\exp{-\frac{|\nabla f|}{K}^2}

which is basically the same as used in 

 Basides the fact that the documentation bug should be fixed,
is there a reason why the original conductance wasn't implemented?


Luca Antiga, PhD
Biomedical Technologies Laboratory
Bioengineering Department, 
Mario Negri Institute
Villa Camozzi, 24020, Ranica (BG), Italy
phone: +39 035 4535-381
email: antiga at marionegri.it
web:   http://villacamozzi.marionegri.it/~luca

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