[Insight-users] some compilation trouble when extendind itkMesh

Alexandre gouaillard alexandre.gouaillard at insa-lyon.fr
Thu Jul 22 10:19:29 EDT 2004

dear all

i m experienceing some problems compiling a code extending the itkMesh class.
I m experiencing multiple times the same kind of warning and i have one 
error which seems related to STD LIBS usage.
my environement is as follows :
Win XP
MSVC++ 6.0 patched 6
vtk, itk, fltk all compiled with this compiler , up and running for years.
The same code seems to compile under linux without troubles (that's why it 
so frustrating to me ^__^)

any comments, idea , solutions are more than welcome.
(yes mathieu, i will try CMAKE one day, i promise)

 >>> warnings

insighttoolkit-1.6.0\include\itkeventobject.h(134) : warning C4541: 
'dynamic_cast' used on polymorphic type 'class itk::EventObject' with /GR-; 
unpredictable behavior may result
insighttoolkit-1.6.0\code\common\itkobjectfactory.h(53) : warning C4541: 
'dynamic_cast' used on polymorphic type 'class itk::LightObject' with /GR-; 
unpredictable behavior may result
insighttoolkit-1.6.0\code\common\itkobjectfactory.h(51) : while compiling 
class-template member function 'class itk::SmartPointer<class 
fltk::VTKImageViewerBase> __cdecl itk::ObjectFactory<class 

 >>> error
insighttoolkit-1.6.0\include\itklightobject.h(24) :
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'iostream': No such file or 

for that error, i checked the include directories, and there is a MSVC++ 
provided iostream file.
I tried to link to the itk builded iostream file (itksys\iostream) but 
couldn't resolve the problem this way either.

thanks in advance,


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