[Insight-users] Missing Static Libraries Error

Charles Moad cmoad at indiana.edu
Sun, 25 Jan 2004 21:31:58 -0500

	When building with shared libraries I encountered errors when building
'Examples/Iterators' and 'Examples/SpatialObjects'.  The makefile still
referenced the static libraries 'Insight/bin/libitkzlib.a' and
'Insight/bin/libitkpng.a' even though they were built as shared
objects.  I replaced every occurrence of these with
'libitk(zlib/png).so' and it worked fine.  My install is checked out and
current with CVS.  This is more a bug-report than a question.  Sorry in
advanced if this is the wrong place to report it.

- Charles Moad -
- Computer Science -
- Indiana University -