[Insight-users] Mesh segmentation

Bjorn Hanch Sollie bhs at pvv.org
Thu, 22 Jan 2004 16:20:24 +0100 (CET)

Hi all,

I have a question regarding mesh segmentation and whether such
capabilities are implemented in ITK.  Specifically, what I'm looking
for is a way to anayze a large and decompose/segment it into more
basic geometric substructures, (such as boxes, cylinders and spheres
for example).

For example, assume that you have a model of a flagstaff, basically
consisting of a very tall cylindrical object with a spherical object
on top of it and with a box at its foot.  Assume that this flagstaff
is represented as a single combined mesh.  I am wondering whether ITK
provides any tools to analyze the geometric properties of this object
and break it down into its three basic compounds, namely the box, the
cylinder and the sphere.  When this is done, appropriate
optimizations/parameters, such as reducing the number of polygons in
each object, could be applied to these basic objects in order to save
rendering time later and increase frame rates.

Was that explanation clear and consistent enough for you to get an
idea of what I'm looking for?  Does ITK provide the tools to do this?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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