[Insight-users] DICOM volume problem

Henkjan Huisman h.huisman at rad.umcn.nl
Tue, 13 Jan 2004 11:37:45 +0100

Hi all,

Just stumbled upon a problem that may affect itk DICOM. We have a PET
system in our hospital using HERMES software. It outputs DICOM to our
archive. We have been using OFFIS DICOM tools to query/send/receive
DICOM images into our VTK/ITK software. Recently, HERMES changed

....... A DICOM image volume is now contained in one file! So, no more
separate images, but one file containing the volume. Which is very nice,
because you don't have to bother about having all images, and other
checks. The problem, however, is that OFFIS doesn't accept these types
of DICOM images volume files. 

I would guess that itk DICOM import wouldn't accept these images either,
but well, I can't get these images from the archive..... :-< 

1. So, has anyone dealt with this problem? 
2. What DICOM library do you use to get such images out of your archive.
(Is CTN doing this?)
3. Have you read such images into ITK?



|H.J. Huisman, PhD, MSEE       E : h.huisman at rad.umcn.nl      |
|Biomedical Physicist          T : +31 24 3617536/14545       |
|Dept. Radiology               F : +31 24 3540866             |
|UMC St. Radboud               S : 430 Radiologie/POBox 9101/ | 
|                                  6500HB Nijmegen/Netherlands|