[Insight-users] Errors Building ITK on MAC X 10.3.2

Jeff Plum jplum at cc.nih.gov
Fri, 2 Jan 2004 10:44:00 -0500

Any advice on getting the build to work?



When building ITK 1.4 with cmake 1.8 on a G5 running 10.3.2, cmake  
generates the following error:

cmake ../Insight

Insight/Utilities/vxl/configure ...
running cd "Insight-bin/Utilities/vxl" &&  
Insight/Utilities/vxl/configure 2>&1
: bad interpreter: No such file or directoryes/vxl/configure: /bin/sh
CMake Error: VXL configure script failed.

The /bin/sh and the PATH look OK.

ls -l /bin/sh
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  603488 24 Sep 02:47 /bin/sh

echo $PATH