[Insight-users] Multiple seeds in FuzzyConnectedNess
Vincent Daanen
vincent.daanen at imag.fr
Wed, 25 Feb 2004 18:07:06 +0100
Hi all,
I'm trying to use the SimpleFuzzyConnectednessScalarImageFilter filter.
It seems that it's possible to set multiple seed points but when I use
SetObjectsSeed (const IndexType &seed, const int object_num), the
compiler stops
with the error "SetObjectsSeed does not have 2 parameters" .
So my first question is : is it possible to initialize the filter with
multiple seeds ?
my secind question is that it seems that
inherit of VectorFuzzyConnectednessImageFilter but the html
documentation does not tell it. In fzct, according to the doc, this
filter does not inherit of any class !
is that the reality ?
Thanks for help
Vincent Daanen, PhD
Research Engineer, Post-Doctoral Position
Laboratoire TIMC/IMAG (Univ. Joseph Fourier - CNRS UMR 5525)
Equipe GMCAO
Institut d'Ingénierie de l'Information de Santé (IN3S)
Faculté de Médecine - 38706 La Tronche cedex - France
Tel: +33 (0)4 56 52 00 54 - Fax: +33 (0)4 56 52 00 55
Vincent.Daanen at imag.fr
"Les problèmes ne peuvent être résolus par
ceux dont l'horizon se limite aux réalités
quotidiennes, mais par ceux qui rêvent de
choses qui n'ont jamais existées et qui se
disent : Pourquoi Pas ?"
J-F Kennedy, 1963.