[Insight-users] DicomSeriesReadImageWrite program arguments

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed, 18 Feb 2004 22:58:30 -0500

Hi Michael,

This example reads DICOM files from a directory,
create a volume with them and write the volume
to a file.

If you look at the code, you will find that the
expected arguments are:

1) Directory where your dicom files are
2) Filename of for the output volume
3) DICOM Series to select

Parameter (3) is needed because the directory (1) may
contain several different DICOM series.  If you don't
provide any string for argument (3), then the first
series available in the directory is taken by default.


There are many places in which filename parsing is
done naively and spaces will be taken as string

e.g.: "C:\Documents and Settings" is a particularly
*bad* place for putting your data.



a a wrote:

> Hi to all,
> i was trying out the DicomSeriesReadImageWrite.cxx file, but i'm not 
> sure of the program arguments to enter. i went to the project 
> settings/Debug in VC++ and in the program arguments, i entered this:
> C:/Documents and Settings/...../Images for argv[1] where Images is the 
> folder for the dicom files. However, i'm not sure what to enter for the 
> other 2 arguments, can someone show me how? (C:/Documents and 
> Settings/...../Images ; ...... ; .............)
> What does this DicomSeriesReader do exactly: Load a Dicom Series and 
> output them in some other format?
> i have a set of images for the tongue, i suppose each dicom series 
> includes images acquired for one slice for a number of time frames, so 
> how can i load the images as a volume( all the slices in frame 1 or all 
> slices in frame 2...) and stack them up according to their slice position?
> Thank you so much for helping
> with Best Regards
> Michael