[Insight-users] File Reading

Glenn Pierce glennpierce at connectfree.co.uk
Sat, 14 Feb 2004 22:55:33 +0000

Hi I am new to ITK and think it is a great piece of software
but at the moment I am stuck.

I am writing an application that needs to read DICOM , and a few other
file types.

It seems that the file reader takes an ImageType such as

typedef itk::Image<unsigned short, 2> ImageType;

So can a file reader such as DICOMImageIO can be parametrised with any
pixel type and dimension ?
For example can a Dicom file have pixel types of unsigned short or
unsigned char ?
How can this be so, Is there not a standard spec for the file type ?
I believe I am missing something obvious here about pixel types :)

I am sorry if this is described somewhere, I have read the docs but am
still missing something.

How can I know the pixel type and dimension for files I am opening at
runtime ?
Are there any examples of apps reading multiple file types at runtime?

Thanks very much for the help.
