[Insight-users] FLTK linking errors building InsightApplications

Mary Ann Brennan mab at CS.Stanford.EDU
Fri, 13 Feb 2004 12:16:33 -0800 (PST)


i'm trying to build the Insight apps on cygwin, but i keep getting linking
errors.  i think i have all the CMake variables set correctly, and i'm
using the versions suggested in the readme (VTK 4.2, CMake 1.8.2, FLTK
1.1.3).  i followed all the instructions to install FLTK (did ./configure
--enable cygwin, make fluid, make install, and of course make.) and that
all seemed to work.

here are some of the errors i'm getting, after it builds some of the 
subdirectories successfully...

/home/mbrennan/ITK/InsightApplications-1.4.0/DistanceMapFilter: building default_target
Building executable /home/mbrennan/ITK/InsightApplications-1.4.0/DistanceMapFilter/DistanceMapFilter.exe...
/usr/local/lib/libfltk.a(Fl_Double_Window.o)(.text+0x22):Fl_Double_Window.cxx: undefined reference to `_CreateCompatibleDC at 4'
/usr/local/lib/libfltk.a(Fl_Double_Window.o)(.text+0x37):Fl_Double_Window.cxx: undefined reference to `_SetTextAlign at 8'
(a bunch of other undefined references in libfltk.a and some in 

any ideas why this could be happening?

i followed the instructions in the itk/fltk tutorial to create the simple 
project, and again, i get the same sorts of errors.

here's the what i have the CMake variables set to for the insight 
applications build...

                                                     Page 1 of 1
 BUILD_TESTING                    ON
 CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX             /usr/local
 DART_ROOT                        DART_ROOT-NOTFOUND
 FLTK_BASE_LIBRARY                /usr/local/lib/libfltk.a
 FLTK_FLUID_EXECUTABLE            /usr/local/bin/fluid.exe
 FLTK_FORMS_LIBRARY               /usr/local/lib/libfltk_forms.a
 FLTK_GL_LIBRARY                  /usr/local/lib/libfltk_gl.a
 FLTK_IMAGES_LIBRARY              /usr/local/lib/libfltk_images.a
 FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR                 /usr/local/include
 ITK_DIR                          /home/mbrennan/ITK/Build
 USE_FLTK                         ON
 USE_VTK                          ON
 VTK_DIR                          /home/mbrennan/vtk/vtk-build

any suggestions of what might be going wrong would be much appreciated.

mary ann