[Insight-users] Using ITK with DICOM - extracting non-image information.

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Aug 19 16:53:17 EDT 2004

Hi Simon,

Thanks for your report.
Unfortunately, from the limited information that
you provide there is no much that we can do.

Possible options at this point are:

1) Can you make one slice of that DICOM
    file available to us so we can debug this ?

2) Can you try the same code with another dataset ?
    and let us know what you find.

3) You could also use GDCM. ITK has an daptor class
    for GDCM, and takes advantage of a larger support
    for variations of DICOM.

    Documentation for GDCM is available at:



Simon Harris wrote:

> Thanks for that - finally I managed to get ITK
> built on my system and compiled the example code
> ok...
> I've only tried it on one dataset so far, but it
> appears to stall for a while at the:
>   dicomIO->GetPatientName(  patientName  );
> and then bails out without printing anything. I don't
> know if the files I have are bad DICOM - they come
> from a Siemens scanner & my own DICOM reading software
> and other software I have can extract the data ok.
> Simon.
> On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 11:09:49 -0400, Luis Ibanez 
> <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>  wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
>> Please look at the examples in
>>    Insight/Examples/IO/
>>      DicomPrintPatientImformation.cxx
>> It illustrates how to get access to
>> some of the DICOM tags in the input
>> image.
>> Please let us know if you have further
>> questions.
>>    Thanks
>>      Luis
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