[Insight-users] Re: Registration problem

Rodrigo F Baroni rodrigobaroni at pop.com.br
Wed Aug 18 13:48:49 EDT 2004


Luis Ibanez disse:
(... - cut
> If you find that high speed is a real need, then you
> may want to consider the following process:

> 1) Segment the lungs with ConfidenceConnectedImageFilter
> 2) Use BinaryMaskToNarrowBandPointSetFilter
> 3) Use the PointSetToImageRegistration
> This should result in very fast registration since only
> a small subset of the points are used, and the metric
> in concentrated on the points that make the more
> significant contributions to the registration.

  I'm _very_ interesting in speed up the registration process .. Where can I
get more information about ?

Rodrigo F Baroni

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