[Insight-users] Compiling errors in ITK source from CD-ROM and CVS repository.

Yang Wang dietpaopao at netscape.net
Tue, 27 Apr 2004 00:21:26 -0400

Hi, Luis,

Sorry to be so tense, but I am really frustrated with this compiling.

Again, as I follow your advice, clear ITKbin, then built on the version 
in the CD-ROM (ITK 1.6),
also set the Visual Studio to release mode:
Step (1) Turn off wrapping, OK
Step (2) Turn on wrapping, get the following errors:

itkwish fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'ITKAlgorithmsTcl.lib'
SwigRuntimeTcl error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 
"Building Custom Rule D:/ITKbin/Wrapping/CSwig/SwigRuntime/swigrun.xml"
ITKCommonTcl error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Building 
run native swig on SwigExtras.i 
ITKAlgorithmsTcl error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 
"Building wrap_ITKAlgorithmsTcl.xml from  
ITKBasicFiltersTcl error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 
"Building wrap_ITKBasicFiltersTcl.xml from  
ITKNumericsTcl error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 
"Building wrap_ITKNumericsTcl.xml from  
ITKIOTcl error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Building 
wrap_itkTkImageViewer2D.xml from  
VXLNumericsTcl error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from 
"Building wrap_VXLNumericsTcl.xml from  

It seems wrapping is not working properly. When I try to run 
ImageRegistration3.tcl from wish84.exe, still
got the error message "can't find package InsightToolkit".

Here is my Environment variables concerning this:
Variable                      Value
TCLDIR               D:\tcl8.4.6
TCLLIBPATH      D:/VTKbin/Wrapping/Tcl/Debug

Thanks for your patience and wait for your reply.


luis.ibanez at kitware.com wrote:

> Hi Yang,
> You are mixing code between the version of the CVS
> repository and the version in the CD-ROM (ITK 1.6).
> I looks like at configuration time you are giving
> both of them the same binary directory as target
> in CMake.
> Please do the following:
> 1) Erase the binary directories that you are using
>    for building ITK. Restart configuring from
>    scratch. Take one binary directory for building
>    the CVS version and another independent binary
>    directory for building ITK version 1.6.
> 2) Do you want to get Tcl wrapping ?
>    If so, it is advisable to first build ITK
>    without wrapping, and only when you are done,
>    rerun CMake, enable the wrapping and do a
>    second build.
> 3) If you want to use wrapping, it is better
>    for you to build ITK in Release mode. There
>    can easily be a factor of 10 in performance
>    when you pass from Release mode to Debug mode.
> A little bit of order in your disk will help
> prevent such painful process.
> Regards,
>   Luis