[Insight-users] CSwig Wrapping: itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter SetOrder

Hua Qian hqian at imaging . robarts . ca
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 16:16:14 -0400

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Hello All,

We are having some difficulties with python wrapping
of itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter class, please see
the attached conversions below.

It seems that there is no way to use the SetOrder method
of itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter in Python/Tcl.
To solve the problem, we ended up adding new methods
SetOrderZero, SetOrderFirst and SetOrderSecond in the
C++ source code (the modified .h and .txx files from Glen
are attached). Anyone has better solution? Otherwise,
if our solution is reasonable, could someone commit
the change to cvs?



It works!  Thanks, Hua.

I've attached the modified .h and .cxx files.  Can they be committed to 
the cvs?


Hua Qian wrote:

> Hi Glen,
> This is a tough one. I could not figure out any clean
> solution so far.
> A quick and dirty solution is to modify the C++ code -;) :
> add methods SetOrderToFirst, SetOrderToSecond, etc.
> ... maybe, we could ask someone to commit the change to the
> ITK cvs repository.
> Hua
> Glen Lehmann wrote:
>> Hi Hua,
>> I'm starting to have some success with ITK in python. I have a 
>> question for you regarding itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter.  It 
>> defines an enumeration for the derivative order and I don't know how 
>> to access this in python.
>> in c++;
>> typedef   itk::RecursiveGaussianImageFilter< ImageType ,ImageType> 
>> GaussianFilterType;
>> recursiveFilter = GaussianFilterType::New();
>> recursiveFilter->SetOrder( GaussianFilterType::FirstOrder );
>> in python;
>> recursiveFilter = itk.itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilterF2F2_New()
>> recursiveFilter.SetOrder( ??? )
>> What is the correct way to access these enumerations from python?
>> Thanks,
>> Glen

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  Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
  Module:    $RCSfile: itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter.h,v $
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date: 2003/09/10 14:28:55 $
  Version:   $Revision: 1.21 $

  Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
  See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www . itk . org/HTML/Copyright . htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#ifndef __itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter_h
#define __itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter_h

#include "itkRecursiveSeparableImageFilter.h"

namespace itk
/** \class RecursiveGaussianImageFilter
 * \brief Base class for recursive convolution with Gaussian kernel.
 * RecursiveGaussianImageFilter is the base class for recursive filters that
 * approximate convolution with the Gaussian kernel.
 * This class implements the recursive filtering
 * method proposed by R.Deriche in IEEE-PAMI
 * Vol.12, No.1, January 1990, pp 78-87.
 * As compared to itk::DiscreteGaussianImageFilter, this filter tends
 * to be faster for large kernels, and it can take the derivative
 * of the blurred image in one step.  Also, note that we have
 * itk::RecursiveGaussianImageFilter::SetSigma(), but
 * itk::DiscreteGaussianImageFilter::SetVariance().
 * \ingroup ImageEnhancement Singlethreaded
template <typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage=TInputImage>
class ITK_EXPORT RecursiveGaussianImageFilter :
    public RecursiveSeparableImageFilter<TInputImage,TOutputImage> 
  /** Standard class typedefs. */
  typedef RecursiveGaussianImageFilter  Self;
  typedef RecursiveSeparableImageFilter<TInputImage,TOutputImage> Superclass;
  typedef SmartPointer<Self>   Pointer;
  typedef SmartPointer<const Self>  ConstPointer;

  typedef typename Superclass::RealType      RealType;

  /** Method for creation through the object factory. */
  /** Type macro that defines a name for this class */
  itkTypeMacro( RecursiveGaussianImageFilter, RecursiveSeparableImageFilter );

  /** Set/Get the Sigma, measured in world coordinates, of the Gaussian
   * kernel.  The default is 1.0.  */   
  itkGetMacro( Sigma, RealType );
  itkSetMacro( Sigma, RealType );

  /** Enum type that indicates if the filter applies the equivalent operation
      of convolving with a gaussian, first derivative of a gaussian or the 
      second derivative of a gaussian.  */
  typedef  enum { ZeroOrder, FirstOrder, SecondOrder } OrderEnumType;
  /** Type of the output image */
  typedef TOutputImage      OutputImageType;

  /** Set/Get the flag for normalizing the gaussian over scale Space
      When this flag is ON the filter will be normalized in such a way 
      that larger sigmas will not result in the image fading away.

            \frac{ 1 }{ \sigma  \sqrt{ 2 \pi } };

      When the flag is OFF the normalization will conserve contant the 
      integral of the image intensity. 
            \frac{ 1 }{ \sigma^2  \sqrt{ 2 \pi } };
      For analyzing an image across Scale Space you want to enable
      this flag.  It is disabled by default.  */
  itkSetMacro( NormalizeAcrossScale, bool );
  itkGetMacro( NormalizeAcrossScale, bool );

  /** Set/Get the Order of the Gaussian to convolve with. 
      \li ZeroOrder is equivalent to convolving with a Gaussian.  This
      is the default.
      \li FirstOrder is equivalet to convolving with the first derivative of a Gaussian
      \li SecondOrder is equivalet to convolving with the second derivative of a Gaussian
  itkSetMacro( Order, OrderEnumType );
  itkGetMacro( Order, OrderEnumType );

  /** Explicitly set a zeroth order derivative */
  void SetZeroOrder();

  /** Explicitly set a first order derivative */
  void SetFirstOrder();

  /** Explicitly set a second order derivative */
  void SetSecondOrder();
  virtual ~RecursiveGaussianImageFilter() {};
  void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const;

  /** Set up the coefficients of the filter to approximate a specific kernel.
   * typically it can be used to approximate a gaussian or one of its
   * derivatives. */
  virtual void SetUp(void);

  /** Compute Recursive Filter Coefficients this method prepares the values of
   * the coefficients used for filtering the image. The symmetric flag is
   * used to enforce that the filter will be symmetric or antisymmetric. For
   * example, the Gaussian kernel is symmetric, while its first derivative is
   * antisymmetric. */
  void ComputeFilterCoefficients(bool symmetric);

  RecursiveGaussianImageFilter(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
  void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented

  /** Sigma of the gaussian kernel. */   
  RealType m_Sigma;

  /** Normalize the image across scale space */
  bool m_NormalizeAcrossScale; 

  OrderEnumType   m_Order;


} // end namespace itk

#include "itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter.txx"


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  Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
  Module:    $RCSfile: itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter.txx,v $
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date: 2003/09/10 14:28:55 $
  Version:   $Revision: 1.27 $

  Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
  See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www . itk . org/HTML/Copyright . htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#ifndef _itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter_txx
#define _itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter_txx

#include "itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter.h"
#include "itkObjectFactory.h"
#include "itkImageLinearIteratorWithIndex.h"
#include <new>

namespace itk
template <typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
  m_Sigma = 1.0;
  m_NormalizeAcrossScale = false;
  m_Order = ZeroOrder;

 *   Explicitly set a zeroth order derivative
template <typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
  m_Order = ZeroOrder;

 *   Explicitly set a first order derivative
template <typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
  m_Order = FirstOrder;

 *   Explicitly set a second order derivative
template <typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
  m_Order = SecondOrder;

 *   Compute filter for Gaussian kernel
template <typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
  const RealType spacingTolerance = 1e-8;

  RealType direction = 1.0;
  if( m_Spacing < 0.0 )
    direction = -1.0;
    m_Spacing = -m_Spacing;

  if( m_Spacing < spacingTolerance )
    itkExceptionMacro(<<"The spacing " << m_Spacing << "is suspiciosly small in this image");
  const RealType sigmad = m_Sigma/m_Spacing;

  if( this->GetNormalizeAcrossScale() )
    m_K = 1.0 / (         sigmad * sqrt( 2.0 * ( 4.0 * atan( 1.0f ) ) ) );
    m_K = 1.0 / ( sigmad * sigmad * sqrt( 2.0 * ( 4.0 * atan( 1.0f ) ) ) );

  m_K *= direction;  // take into account the sign of the spacing.

  switch( m_Order ) 
    case ZeroOrder: // equivalent to convolution with a gaussian
    m_A0 = static_cast<RealType>(  1.680  );
    m_A1 = static_cast<RealType>(  3.735  );
    m_B0 = static_cast<RealType>(  1.783  );
    m_B1 = static_cast<RealType>(  1.723  );
    m_C0 = static_cast<RealType>( -0.6803 );
    m_C1 = static_cast<RealType>( -0.2598 );
    m_W0 = static_cast<RealType>(  0.6318 );
    m_W1 = static_cast<RealType>(  1.9970 );
    const bool symmetric = true;
    case FirstOrder: // equivalent to convolution with 
                     // the first derivative of a gaussian
    m_A0 = static_cast<RealType>(  -0.6472 );
    m_A1 = static_cast<RealType>(  -4.5310 );
    m_B0 = static_cast<RealType>(   1.5270 );
    m_B1 = static_cast<RealType>(   1.5160 );
    m_C0 = static_cast<RealType>(   0.6494 );
    m_C1 = static_cast<RealType>(   0.9557 );
    m_W0 = static_cast<RealType>(   0.6719 );
    m_W1 = static_cast<RealType>(   2.0720 );
    const bool symmetric = false;
    case SecondOrder: // equivalent to convolution with 
                      // the second derivative of a gaussian
    m_A0 = static_cast<RealType>(  -1.3310 );
    m_A1 = static_cast<RealType>(   3.6610 );
    m_B0 = static_cast<RealType>(   1.2400 );
    m_B1 = static_cast<RealType>(   1.3140 );
    m_C0 = static_cast<RealType>(   0.3225 );
    m_C1 = static_cast<RealType>(  -1.7380 );
    m_W0 = static_cast<RealType>(   0.7480 );
    m_W1 = static_cast<RealType>(   2.1660 );
    const bool symmetric = true;
    itkExceptionMacro(<<"Unknown Order");


 * Compute Recursive Filter Coefficients 
template <typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
::ComputeFilterCoefficients(bool symmetric) 

  const RealType spacing = (m_Spacing>0.0) ? m_Spacing : -m_Spacing;

  const RealType sigmad = m_Sigma / spacing;
  m_N00  = m_A0 + m_C0;
  m_N11  = exp(-m_B1/sigmad)*(m_C1*sin(m_W1/sigmad)-(m_C0+2*m_A0)*cos(m_W1/sigmad)); 
  m_N11 += exp(-m_B0/sigmad)*(m_A1*sin(m_W0/sigmad)-(m_A0+2*m_C0)*cos(m_W0/sigmad)); 
  m_N22  = ((m_A0+m_C0)*cos(m_W1/sigmad)*cos(m_W0/sigmad));
  m_N22 -= (m_A1*cos(m_W1/sigmad)*sin(m_W0/sigmad)+m_C1*cos(m_W0/sigmad)*sin(m_W1/sigmad));
  m_N22 *= 2*exp(-(m_B0+m_B1)/sigmad);
  m_N22 += m_C0*exp(-2*m_B0/sigmad) + m_A0*exp(-2*m_B1/sigmad);
  m_N33  = exp(-(m_B1+2*m_B0)/sigmad)*(m_C1*sin(m_W1/sigmad)-m_C0*cos(m_W1/sigmad));
  m_N33 += exp(-(m_B0+2*m_B1)/sigmad)*(m_A1*sin(m_W0/sigmad)-m_A0*cos(m_W0/sigmad));
  m_D44  = exp(-2*(m_B0+m_B1)/sigmad);
  m_D33  = -2*cos(m_W0/sigmad)*exp(-(m_B0+2*m_B1)/sigmad);
  m_D33 += -2*cos(m_W1/sigmad)*exp(-(m_B1+2*m_B0)/sigmad);
  m_D22  =  4*cos(m_W1/sigmad)*cos(m_W0/sigmad)*exp(-(m_B0+m_B1)/sigmad);
  m_D22 +=  exp(-2*m_B1/sigmad)+exp(-2*m_B0/sigmad);
  m_D11  =  -2*exp(-m_B1/sigmad)*cos(m_W1/sigmad)-2*exp(-m_B0/sigmad)*cos(m_W0/sigmad);
  if( symmetric )
    m_M11 = m_N11 - m_D11 * m_N00;
    m_M22 = m_N22 - m_D22 * m_N00;
    m_M33 = m_N33 - m_D33 * m_N00;
    m_M44 =       - m_D44 * m_N00;
    m_M11 = -( m_N11 - m_D11 * m_N00 );
    m_M22 = -( m_N22 - m_D22 * m_N00 );
    m_M33 = -( m_N33 - m_D33 * m_N00 );
    m_M44 =            m_D44 * m_N00;

  // Compute Coefficients to be used at the boundaries
  // in order to prevent border effects
  const RealType SumOfNCoefficients = m_N00 + m_N11 + m_N22 + m_N33;
  const RealType SumOfMCoefficients = m_M11 + m_M22 + m_M33 + m_M44;
  const RealType SumOfDCoefficients = m_D11 + m_D22 + m_D33 + m_D44;
  const RealType CoefficientNormN    = SumOfNCoefficients / ( 1.0 + SumOfDCoefficients );
  const RealType CoefficientNormM    = SumOfMCoefficients / ( 1.0 + SumOfDCoefficients );

  m_BN1 = m_D11 * CoefficientNormN;
  m_BN2 = m_D22 * CoefficientNormN;
  m_BN3 = m_D33 * CoefficientNormN;
  m_BN4 = m_D44 * CoefficientNormN;
  m_BM1 = m_D11 * CoefficientNormM;
  m_BM2 = m_D22 * CoefficientNormM;
  m_BM3 = m_D33 * CoefficientNormM;
  m_BM4 = m_D44 * CoefficientNormM;

template <typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const

  os << "Sigma: " << m_Sigma << std::endl; 
  os << "Order: " << m_Order << std::endl; 
  os << "NormalizeAcrossScale: " << m_NormalizeAcrossScale << std::endl;

} // end namespace itk

