[Insight-users] A question about neighborhood iterator and image iterator
Feng Ma
mafeng at hotmail . com
Fri, 03 Oct 2003 20:03:06 -0400
Hi, Josh and Luis:
I am a little confused about how to use neighborhood iterator and image
iterator. Josh has a code example in ITK Neighborhood ppt file:
typedef itk::Image<float, 3> ImageType;
ImageType::Pointer image = SomeImageSource->GetOutput();
itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator<ImageType> it(radius, image,
itk::ImageRegionIterator<ImageType> out(output_image,
for (it.GoToBegin(); ! it.IsAtEnd(); ++it, ++out)
out.Set(0.5 * it.GetNext(2) - 0.5 * it.GetPrevious(2));
How does ITK internal mechanism make sure that neighborhood iterator it
and image region iterator out are always visiting the same pixel in image?
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