[Insight-users] watershed segment tree merging

Joshua Cates cates at sci . utah . edu
Thu, 20 Nov 2003 16:09:59 -0700 (MST)

Hi Tim,

I think this is a great idea.  The WatershedImageFilter is constructed
from a set of subfilters, one of which is called the SegmentTreeGenerator.  
This is the filter that performs region merging to generate the tree.  You
could start by copying this filter and modifying it, replacing the 
original with your modified filter in WatershedImageFilter.  In fact, this 
was the purpose of making these modular subfilters.

You may find you need some additional information in the "SegmentTable",
which is the table of initial watershed transform regions generated from
the watershed::Segmenter object.  In this case, you will also need to
modify the SegmentTable object and code in the Segmenter filter.

Let me know how this goes and feel free to contact me with questions. We
should incorporate your additions into the ITK repository if you are


 Josh Cates			
 Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute
 University of Utah
 Email: cates at sci . utah . edu
 Phone: (801) 587-7697
 URL:   http://www . sci . utah . edu/~cates

On 20 Nov 2003, T.J. Rudge wrote:

> Hi,
> Im using the watershedImageFilter. I;d like to be able to use the merge 
> tree generated by the watershed system and add additional criteria for the 
> merge decision - based on properties of the objects, e.g. max/min region 
> size. This way merges could be forced or prevented according to a model of 
> the object region shape size etc. Do you think this is a reasonable 
> strategy? Any advice on the best way to go about it?
> many thanks,
> Tim R.
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