[Insight-users] Include Directory [Auxiliary\vtk]
Luis Ibanez
Mon, 24 Mar 2003 09:03:31 -0500
Hi Joris,
The directories in Insight/Applications were not added by
default to the include path because these demo applications
were not officially part of the toolkit.
Note that since version 1.2 the applications were moved to
a separate checkout (and/or tar.gz / .zip distribution).
In the version that you are currently using, what you can
do in your project, is to add a line like the following
to your CMakeLists.txt file:
whenever you update to use version 1.2 or the cvs version
you may want to change this for something like asking the
user where InsightApplication sources are located
I would suggest you to go for the second solution
since it will be a better option for the long term.
You simply initialize ITK_APPLICATIONS_DIR with
Please let us know if you find any problems,
J Mst wrote:
> Hi all,
> First, many thanks to Luis because I was strugling with ITK/VTK/MFC. I'm
> now able to run a simple example with MFC GUI support.
> My only quenstion left for now is related to the include directories.
> I've discovered the simplicity and ease of creating a project by using
> CMake. All the things were going well except one little thing. Every
> time I configured my project, all include directories van be found in
> VC++ except 'Insight\Applications\Auxiliary\vtk'. This directory has to
> be included in order to find the header files which I need foor my
> project. Actually it isn't a big deal but it's quite anoying while I
> have to add this directory manually every time.
> Does anyone has a solution (CMake command) for this?
> Thanks in advance
> Joris
> Enschede
> The Netherlands
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