[Insight-users] help!

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 05:18:41 -0500

Hi Zhuo,

Something is going wrong with your configuration.
You shouldn't have to copy any header files. It
seems that some general seetings are missing in
your generated projects.

Note that you have to configure the module
InsightApplication at the top level.

1) What version of CMake are you using ?

2) It looks like you are trying to build an
   application in isolation instead of building
   the whole InsightApplications module.

   Note that the CMakeLists.txt files in each
   one of the demo-applications directories are
   configured to make a joint build, as oppossed
   to an individual build.

   If you configure an application in isolation,
   its CMakeLists.txt file will lack some general
   setting, like for example the include dirs for
   the ITK basic libraries.

   It is relatively simple to modify the CMakeLists.txt
   files in order to make possible the build of the
   applications as isolated individual projects. Let us
   know if you want instructions on how to do this for
   a particular project. The easy way, however is to
   build all the applications together.

   Please make sure that you configure InsightApplications
   at the top level.

3) Could you please post the CMakeCache.txt file
   that CMakes creates in your binary directory ?

   In fact you should have two of them, one in the
   binary directory where you built ITK (the basic
   libraries) and a second one in the binary directory
   where you built the InsightApplications module.



zhuo Chen wrote:
> The version of ITK which I used is
> InsightToolkit-1.2.0.The header files which I have to
> copy are
> vnl/vnl_vector.h,itkConfigure.h,itkImage.h,itkObject.h,vnl_vector_ref.h,etc.And
> after I copy vnl_vector.h,the project still can't
> compile successfully by not finding the directory of
> vnl_vector.h.
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