[Insight-users] About BilateralImageFilter.exe

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 10:21:41 -0500

Hi Ouyang,

Every example in the Insigth/Examples directory
is associtated with a section in the SoftwareGuide.


In fact, the content of the documents is extracted
from the files in Insight/Examples.

You will find detailed information about the
BilateralImageFilter in the SoftwareGuide on
section 5.5, pdf-pages 127-129.

In particular, the example illustrated in this
section, was generated using

      rangeSigma  = 5.0
      domainSigma = 6.0

in the command line.


This filter is based in a double convolution approach.
A convolution is done in the spatial domain using a
Gaussian kernel whose sigma is = 'domainSigma'.
At the same time a convolution is done in the intensity
domain with another Gaussian kernel whose sigma is

So, when you think of domainSigma, think in # of pixels,
and when you think of rangeSigma, think in gray levels.

Please let us know if you have further questions.



ouym99 wrote:
> Hi, Luis,
>    I tried to execute \Insight-bin\bin\Debug\BilateralImageFilter.exe, but
> failed.
>    The usage as follows:
>    BilateralImageFilter  inputImageFile  outputImageFile  domainSigma  rangeSigma
>    My question is ,what does domainSigma and rangeSigma mean? How to use them?
> Could  you give an example?
> Thanks
> Ouyang
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