[Insight-users] SegmentationEditor : ITK 1.2

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Wed, 18 Jun 2003 15:05:13 -0400

Hi Xinwei,

The segmentation editor application was available
in InsightApplications version 1.2.

The reason why it may not be building any executable
is that this application relies on you enabling the
"USE_VTK" option.

Note that you need to have build VTK with a particular
set of options.

Details about how to build this application are
available in the README file in


Note also that in the CVS checkout there is a new
application that provides an FLTK interface instead
of the Tcl/VTK wrapping of the SegmentationEditor.

You may consider using the newer one.

Please let us know if you run into any problem,




> Can I first ask you, do we still have the segmentationEditor in itk1.2?
> Seems I did not get any relevant excutables build in that application
> directory. It'll be great if I can get it up and running.
> Thanks,
> Xinwei