[Insight-users] Patented code in ITK?

Mathieu Malaterre Mathieu . Malaterre at creatis . insa-lyon . fr
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 14:21:52 +0200


	Just enter "site:www.itk.org patented insight-users" in your google search:

http://216 . 239 . 57 . 100/search?q=cache:QvXKVVV-husJ:www . itk . org/pipermail/insight-users/2003-March/002718 . html++site:www . itk . org+patented+insight-users&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8


Gavin Baker wrote:
> Hello,
> It has been brought to my attention that there may exist some patented code
> in ITK; specifically mentioned was itk::BinaryMask3DMeshSource.
> To verify, I grepped the entire ITK source tree.  The only occurence of the
> word 'patent'was in README.html, which simply states that any patented code
> will appear in the Insight/Code/Patented directory.  This directory does not
> exist in the source tarball, is empty in CVS, and I can see no other
> indication that any code is covered by a patent.  A google search similarly
> yielded no results.
> Can we please have an official answer on the following:
> - Does there exist any patented code in ITK?
> - If so, which classes/files?
> - What are the licensing conditions?
> - What is the policy for including patented code in ITK?
> - What is the policy for identifying patented code in ITK?
> I need to resolve these issues for the Debian packaging, though I'm sure the
> issue is widely relevant.
> Thanks,
>   :: Gavin

Mathieu Malaterre
28 Avenue du Doyen LEPINE
B.P. Lyon-Montchat
69394 Lyon Cedex 03
http://www . creatis . insa-lyon . fr/~malaterre/