[Insight-users] Size

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 14:37:18 -0500

Hi David,

The size of an image is an array of numbers.
A 3D image need an array of three numbers
for describing its size.

You should use the "SizeType" defined as
part of the itk::Image type.

Something like:

typedef itk::RGBPixel< char >       PixelType;
typedef itk::Image< PixelType, 3 >  ImageType;
typedef ImageType::SizeType         SizeType;

typedef itk::ImageFileReader<
                         ImageType > ReaderType;

ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();


ImageType::ConstPointer image = reader->GetOutput();

const SizeType size = image->GetLargestPossibleRegion();

// At this point you can access the element of the
// size array.

std::cout << "Pixels in X = " << size[0] << std::enl;
std::cout << "Pixels in Y = " << size[1] << std::enl;
std::cout << "Pixels in Z = " << size[2] << std::enl;



David Llanos wrote:
> hi all,
> In the first place I request you help in this simple problem: I want to 
> get the size of a 2D RGB image, already read with ImageFileReader and 
> kept in the pointer "reader", for later to keep it in a constant variable.
> I attempted something like that, but I don't know the classes of 
> ImageFileReader exactly
>   const unsigned long tam=0;
>   tam=reader->GetOutput()->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize();
> thanks in advange.