Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Wed, 10 Dec 2003 11:27:09 -0500

It is quite common for us to need to share images
while we are tracking problems with applications
using ITK.

There are two difficulties for sharing data through
the users list:

A) The ITK users list has a limit of 40Kb for
    every message

B) The images will not be conserved in the
    mailing-list archive.

A more convenient method is to use a resource that has
been made freely available by RSNA and a NIH grant.

This is a public repository of medical images where any
user can create an account and store images in multiple
formats. This repository provides the typical services of
a PACS system but it is freely accessible through the web.

Please go to MyPACS:

           http://www . mypacs . net

and create an account by making up a username and password.

Then submit there the images that you  want to share/show,
and finally post to the ITK users list the IDs of the images
you want us to see.

A nice functionality in MyPacs is that you can add extra
information as comments, diagnosis.. etc. You can also
regulate what infomation is public and what information
is private.

If you are in the US note that all information allowing to
identify a patient should be protected according to HIPAA

              http://www . hhs . gov/ocr/hipaa/

It is your responsibility to make sure that the data posted
on the web adhere to HIPAA norms.

Images posted in MyPacs are automatically indexed by the
RSNA Medical Image Resource Center (MIRC).

              http://mirc . rsna . org/mirc/query

so they become study cases for training.


Please let us know if you find any difficulties using
MyPacs, or if you have better suggestions for a data
sharing mechanism,

